Alicia Johnson is an experienced counsellor and mental health professional. She is the Senior Statewide Cultural Equity Educator in the Aboriginal portfolio team at NSW Health's Education Centre Against Violence. Her role is to ensure that resources, community education and training programs about violence, abuse and neglect that are delivered to NSW Health workers (and other government and non-government services frontline staff) are culturally appropriate and evidence-based. Her responsibilities include:
- facilitation of "Change Together – Culturally Responsive Practice"
- facilitation of Certificate IV Aboriginal Family Well-Being and Violence Prevention Work
- coordination of Advanced Diploma of Aboriginal Specialist Trauma Counselling
- coordination of Graduate Certificate in Social Work: Interpersonal Trauma Stream
- co-facilitation of "Weaving the Net – Education Relating to Harmful Sexual Behaviour in Young People.
Previously, Alicia worked in Newcastle with the Intensive Family Based Services team, helping Aboriginal families whose children and young people were at risk of entering the Out-of-Home Care system.